I’ve taken the first step.  Writing has been calling me back for some time now,  but life has been fickle in giving me gaps of time to do so.  I have no clue where I’m going with this particular post, other than to prove I can delve back in.

The past year has been filled with change, uncertainty, moving forward, and sideways.  My body and mind feel out of rhythm.  I’m hoping the kinship writing and I share will bring me back right.

We sold our house over a year ago.  I’ve missed it only in bits here and there.  I more so miss having a spot on earth that the world knows where to send mail.  It’s interesting how a mailbox makes one feel rooted.  We’ve lived primarily in a hotel, which I dubbed our hometel.  But the past few months we have traveled back and forth between the hometel and our kids’ homes in North Carolina.   I was taking care of our grandsons while in VA a few days a week, thus our reason for keeping one foot still there.  Yesterday the need for me to be there ended. So this marks another important step in our transition.  We continue to re-calibrate life and home, until we find what will suit our new chapter.

I’m hoping that chapter includes more of my musings to be placed here. But, just as I have moved through the last year of uncertainty, for now I’ll dip my toe in and see if suits me.  Like life, it currently feels wildly beyond tepid.

I have stayed on task, trying to sort life out these past twelve months.  Puddle play has existed in terms of time with my grandsons and a bit of travel.  But, a dive into words is what my soul needs now.



I have stayed on task, trying to sort life out these past twelve months.  Puddle play has existed in terms of time with my grandsons and a bit of travel.  But, a dive into words is what my soul needs now.